Anyone can inject fillers into someone else, provided they have permission. So it is therefore perfectly legal for a GP to do a tummy tuck or a plumber to inject you with filler in the UK!
But, we as humans, are not so lucky in the UK…
Thankfully, things are improving
For example, only properly qualified plastic surgeons, ENT surgeons, Maxillofacial surgeons shoud be allowed to perform rhinoplasty. But at the moment the plan isn’t for the register to be compulsory, so the public are still vulnerable to ‘Cowboy Traders’ out there.
On the GMC Specalist Register
UK Qualified
UK Trained
UK Insured with Run-Off Cover
London Based
Throughout the process of my rhinoplasty, I found Mr. Cavale to be friendly, knowledgable and down to earth. I was and still am delighted with the results from my surgery - Mr. Cavale is clearly a very skilled practicioner!
Doctify review.