When the breasts are described as asymmetric, it refers to breasts that differ in shape, size, positioning and / or volume from each other.
It is very common for one breast to be slightly larger than the other one (around half of all adult women), and in many cases the difference is very slight and goes unnoticed. However, when the difference is quite apparent, it can cause a woman to feel unhappy and self-conscious with her appearance.
Having asymmetric breasts doesn’t often mean there is a harmful medical condition present, or that there is an abnormality in growth at play. The reason for this concern is often simply down to the way the breasts have naturally formed during puberty and the increase of oestrogen in the body. However for some young women, a condition known as juvenile hypertrophy of the breasts can occur during puberty, which causes one breast to grow significantly larger than the other.
The breasts can often change in shape and size over time, which may be due to injury, trauma, medical treatments (such as with breast cancer) and hormonal changes. For example: hormonal fluctuations during menstruation and pregnancy can cause the breasts to increase in size, with some cases seeing this increase affect the breasts differently.
However, these situations cause a temporary change which resolves itself. When asymmetric breasts are particularly noticeable and are a permanent concern, Real Plastic Surgery can perform a surgical procedure to create a more balanced appearance. The approach we take is tailored to the specific concerns, and aims to provide a natural-looking result. We may suggest an implant(s) and / or fat transfer that may be combined with an uplift procedure, addressing each breast individually to improve their appearance and their symmetry.
Throughout the process of my rhinoplasty, I found Mr. Cavale to be friendly, knowledgable and down to earth. I was and still am delighted with the results from my surgery - Mr. Cavale is clearly a very skilled practicioner!
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