It is not just the shape and size of the breasts that can cause aesthetic concern. The appearance of the nipples can also be perceived as undesirable, especially if it is felt that they are too large, too puffy, protrude too much, are inverted or are asymmetric. By undergoing a surgical procedure to reduce their size or reshape them, it can help to improve the overall appearance of the breasts and restore confidence.
Nipple reduction / reshape surgery can take around 1 hour. We use a local anaesthetic and you can usually go home on the same day.
You may need to take a few days off work.
In many cases only 1 procedure is required for long-term results.
To improve the appearance of the niples and / or the areola.
Sports and exercise may need to be avoided for approx. 2 - 4 weeks.
If you have any doubts. Our team of experts will provide support and guidance all the way through your treatment journey; using the consultation to determine your suitability and your certainty.
This procedure can be performed on both women and men who have concerns with the appearance of the nipples and / or the areola. It is a fairly simple procedure that is often undertaken in under an hour and the particular approach we use is tailored to meet your specific needs.
The procedure typically involves removing skin and tissue from the right place in order to create the desired outcome. Dissolvable stitches are usually used and dressings will be applied. Nipple reduction / reshaping can often be performed alongside other breast enhancing procedures, including: breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast uplift / mastopexy or gynaecomastia (male breast reduction), to help with improving the overall appearance of the breasts.
You may need to wear dressings for up to 3 days after the surgery. We ask that you keep the breasts and nipples dry while the wounds are healing, and when showering can be resumed (approx. 3 days) you use warm water under a gentle spray.
Your follow up appointments will take place at 1 week and 6 – 8 weeks after surgery, so that we can review your healing and recovery. You may need to take pain relief to ease any discomfort and strenuous activities will need to be avoided for around 1 month. Our surgeons and their team offer great aftercare advice and are always available to answer any questions or concerns.
REAL plastic surgery ensures you are fully prepared for the upcoming procedure. In the days and weeks leading up to your surgery we often advise that you stop smoking (or significantly cut down), stop taking certain medications (such as aspirin) and avoid drinking alcohol. On the day of your surgery, you may be asked not to eat or drink anything for 6 hours before the procedure.
The full results of this surgery may become visible in 3 – 6 months when all swelling has eased and scars have faded. In many cases this procedure provides long-lasting results that can be permanent. However, due to general ageing and or weight gain / loss, it is possible for the shape and size of the nipples to change.