Gynaecomastia is the medical term for male breast enlargement, and is a common condition that affects many men and adolescent boys. Whether this concern is experienced during puberty or at some time during adulthood, it is often a harmless condition that has developed due to an excess of fat or glandular tissue. Surgery to corect it is usually a combination of liposuction and ‘open’ surgery (via incisions in the nipple skin).
The time it takes to perform gynaecomastia surgery usually takes around 2 - 3 hours. At Real Plastic Surgery we use a general anaesthetic and you may be able to go home the same day.
You will need to take 1 - 2 weeks off work with most people having significantly recovered within 6 - 8 weeks.
In most cases 1 procedure can produce long-term results.
To restore a natural appearance of the male chest area.
You may need to avoid strenuous exercise and the gym for approx. 6 - 8 weeks.
If you have any doubts. Our team of experts will provide support and guidance all the way through your treatment journey; using the consultation to determine your suitability and your certainty.
A man can often feel self-conscious with the appearance of enlarged male breasts, also known as ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’. In many cases surgery can offer a long-term solution for restoring the natural look of the chest, and improve the overall contours of the body.
The procedure involves making an incision in the breast from which excess fat and tissue can be removed. If the removal of fat leaves behind loose skin, this too can be trimmed away before closing the wounds. Incisions will be made in the most suitable place, depending on your concerns, and in some cases liposuction can be used to help remove deposits of fat.
Gynaecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction, can be performed alongside other body contouring procedures to help slim and sculpt the body – commonly when undergoing post-bariatric surgery.
Showering after gynaecomastia surgery is often possible in 1 week. This allows for the incisions to heal appropriately before they can get wet. At this time we may have removed any sutures (unless they are dissolvable) and you will have been reviewed by our team.
The team at REAL plastic surgery will ensure you are provided with suitable aftercare advice before you leave the clinic. This may include: pain relief advice, how to look after your wounds, caring for scars and avoiding strenuous exercise. Follow up appointments will be made at 1 week, 3 weeks and 3 months after surgery.
REAL plastic surgery will establish your suitability at your pre-treatment consultation. This surgery is often recommended when excess fat, excess tissue and / or excess skin has developed at the male breast area. It can help to restore the natural appearance of the chest.
If liposuction is used small incisions are made on the breasts, and scars are often barely noticeable. In some cases incisions are made around the outside of the areola (dark skin that surrounds the nipple), which also helps to conceal the appearance of scarring.
In many cases gynaecomastia surgery will produce a result that is long-term, or may even be permanent. However, it doesn’t guarantee that fatty deposits or glandular tissue will not develop in the future. A healthy and active lifestyle can help to reduce the likelihood of gaining weight – a common cause of man boobs.