The signs of ageing can affect the neck area just as much as the face. When looking to rejuvenate the appearance, it is often necessary to consider the neck as wrinkles and sagging skin in this area can help to give away a person’s age. A neck lift often produces long term results for smoother, younger looking skin.
A neck lift usually takes up to 1 hour. We use a general anaesthetic and you can usually go home on the same day.
You may find that you need to take things easy for a few weeks. The procedure may require you to take up to 2 weeks off work.
In many cases only 1 procedure is required for long-term results. However, natural ageing will continue so you may want to review your appearance in some years to come.
To create a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
Sports and exercise may need to be avoided for approx. 6 weeks.
If you have any doubts. Our team of experts will provide support and guidance all the way through your treatment journey; using the consultation to determine your suitability and your certainty.
The neck lift can be approached in a couple of ways. Cervicoplasty works to remove excess skin which is lifted and cut away through an incision made at the back of the neck.
This type of neck lift is often chosen when combined with a facelift. Your surgeon may suggest platysmaplasty when a more dramatic result is desired. Through an incision made in the hairline and around the back of the ear, the skin can be pulled tight after the platysma muscle has also been tightened and repositioned.
In some cases, rejuvenating the neck and lower face requires the removal of excess fat. Liposuction can be performed to achieve this before carrying out the neck lift procedure.
Our surgeons may recommend that you wait for 48 hours before showering. You will need to take care not to use hot water or a powerful jet. Your surgeon will provide you with aftercare advice before leaving the clinic, which will include instructions for how and when to wash your hair.
Our aftercare process involves a series of follow up appointments, which are made 1 week, 6 weeks and 3 months after the procedure. We ensure that you are looked after just as carefully after the procedure as you are during the procedure and all follow up appointments and aftercare is to help you recover well and achieve a successful result.
Many people who are concerned with the visible signs of ageing look to undergo a procedure such as a neck lift to help restore a more youthful appearance. It is often the face that receives attention when considering a suitable anti-ageing solution, however, addressing the neck helps to achieve an all over rejuvenated look. Sagging skin (turkey neck), neck bands and crepey skin can be reduced to give a refreshed appearance.
It is usual for the neck and lower face to feel stiff, swollen and bruised following the procedure. It may take a few weeks for these effects to subside, when your level of comfort will also feel more normal.
The results of a neck lift can last for many years, and in many cases a person doesn’t feel the need to seek a repeat procedure. However, you must note that natural ageing will continue to progress so it is not a guarantee that wrinkles and sagging skin will not develop in the future.