Mummy Makeover

Mummy Makeover
Body Prodecure

The birth of a child brings much joy. However, pregnancy can cause many changes to the appearance of the woman’s body. The rapidly changing shape of the body often leaves behind loose skin, excess fat and stretch marks which can be frustrating.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can leave the breasts deflated.

Combining a procedure on the breasts and the tummy under the same anaesthtic is a highly effective way to reverse some of these changes (in the right case). Please come in to discuss options and we will do our best to guide you and go over options.

Treatment Time
Sport & Exercise
Reasons for Doing This
Reasons to Avoid

The time it takes to perform the mummy makeover can depend on the number of procedures that are required, often taking up to 6 hours. At Real Plastic Surgery we use a general anaesthetic and you may be able to go home the same day.

You may need to take up to 4 weeks off work with most people having significantly recovered within 6 to 8 weeks.

In most cases 1 procedure can produce long-term results.

To improve the overall contouring of the body and restore a pre-pregnancy figure.

You may need to avoid strenuous exercise and the gym for up to 8 weeks.

If you have any doubts. Our team of experts will provide support and guidance all the way through your treatment journey; using the consultation to determine your suitability and your certainty.

What to expect on the day

The mummy makeover is used to help a woman restore her pre-pregnancy figure. The surgery is made up of a selection of body contouring procedures that aim to slim and tone the appearance of the body. Single procedures may include: arm lift, breast uplift (mastopexy), tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), thigh lift and buttock lift.

During your consultation we will discuss your concerns and tailor the mummy makeover procedure specifically for you and your desired end result. We often advise that you wait for several months after giving birth before undergoing this surgery, as your body will need time to take its natural post-pregnancy shape before we can accurately assess your concerns,

Showering after the mummy makeover

A number of incisions may have been made on the body which will need a few days to heal before you can get them wet. Depending on the size of the cuts this may be in 3 days, or up to 1 week.

Follow up and aftercare

In many cases you will be fully recovered within 8 weeks. During this time we will monitor your recovery very closely, arranging follow-up appointments at 1 week and 6 weeks after surgery, with a final review after 3 months. Aftercare advice will be given before you leave the clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How much scarring can I expect?

    The area on the underside of the arms can become saggy for a variety of reasons, including: weight gain, weight loss and ageing. Getting rid of ‘bingo wings’ can not only create a more desirable appearance, it can also make clothing more comfortable and improve a person’s self-confidence. 

  • Are the results permanent?

    Post-bariatric surgery is intended to provide long-term, body contouring results. Bariatric surgery can help to continually control your appetite and if this is combined with a healthy and active lifestyle, the chance of future weight gain is minimised. 

  • Am I suitable for this procedure?

    REAL plastic surgery will consider you for this type of surgery if bariatric surgery has meant that losing a significant amount of weight has also meant that loose skin on various areas of the body has developed. 

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